Final Joining Day for September New Starter Training
Date & Time
10 September 2025
11:59 PM
(UTC+10:00) Australia/Melbourne
All new members wishing to join the September new starter training sessions must join the club by no later than midnight on the prior Wednesday. Failure to do so, will mean that you will need to wait until the following month.
Click on this link to go to the sign-up page JOIN NOW
Event Type
Wednesday 13th Aug 2025
Final Joining Day for August New Starter Training
Ferntree Gully
All new members wishing to join the August new starter training sessions must join the club by no later than midnight on the prior Wednesday. Failure to do so, will mean that you will need to wait until the following month. ...
All new members wishing to join the August new starter training sessions must join the club by no later than midnight on the prior Wednesday. Failure to do so, will mean that you will need to wait until the following month. ...
Wednesday 15th Oct 2025
Final Joining Day for October New Starter Training
Ferntree Gully
All new members wishing to join the October new starter training sessions must join the club by no later than midnight on the prior Wednesday. Failure to do so, will mean that you will need to wait until the following month. ...
All new members wishing to join the October new starter training sessions must join the club by no later than midnight on the prior Wednesday. Failure to do so, will mean that you will need to wait until the following month. ...